If you think life is hard sometimes this could be for you. Life can be hard.
Really hard. Let’s talk about it.
“It’s not how hard you can hit! It’s how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward!” Rocky
The true success feeling comes with the satisfaction of persisting through the tough times and all the stress of people, situations, bosses, employees, family, money, health, relationships and much more. With that comes learning how handling life’s punches.
Put down the weight and get on the treadmill!
If I asked you to hold a jug of milk for 10 seconds, how hard would that be? What if I asked you to hold it for 10 minutes? What about 24 hours? One week?! Think of the jug of milk as your stresses. Dealing with them for a short time is manageable. Holding onto them constantly is going to destroy you.
Also, some of these below are obvious. You may roll your eyes and think I am just re-stating “the treadmill will help you lose weight”.
No surprise there. The idea is to browse over these and just pick at least one that speaks to you and start there.
Put down the weight and get on the treadmill!
1. Release.
Take micro breaks, close your eyes and say the word “release”.
This lets you just let go of the weight on your mind even for just a moment and give you more energy through-out the day and remain on point longer. A large reason we are burnt out at the end of the day is because we do not take enough breaks. Multiple studies show that to maintain focus and attention we should be taking 2-5 minute breaks every 50-60 minutes. We normally don’t because after 50 minutes first thing in the morning we don’t really feel like we need a break. Take them! Our species uses our sight as our primary sense. Reading, screens, driving and everything else tire our eyes out. The first thing we do when we get tired and stressed is rub our eyes. While your eyes are closed say the word release. Saying this will automatically order your mind and body to relax.
Watch your shoulders drop, your back relax and your heart rate drop.
Reset and carry on.
2. Dopamine on command.
This one is great. I call dopamine “the good juice”. Affirmations work.
Its clinically proven that saying certain things out loud release either dopamine or cortisol making you feel the ups or downs.
You can affirm your way to confidence or self-destruction. Say out loud “I like myself”.
This releases a shot of “the good juice” into your body and lifts you up. It sheds other’s judgement, self-doubt and gives you a sense of self-acceptance, self-confidence and content-ness.
3. Think small.
Looking at the mountain you need to climb can be overwhelming. If every day you remind yourself of the $100,000 of debt you need to pay off it will feel hopeless. My wife and I have recently discovered the power of just weekly or micro goals.
Focus on the next 10 steps up the mountain. Focus on the first $1000 of debt. And when you reach those micro goals, celebrate!
You will get addicted to the feeling of actually accomplishing something and not get bogged down by the mountain you’re climbing. Before you know it, you’ll look up and be half way there.
4. Gratitude.
This is another simple cliché thing we all know about but hardly ever practice.
Once the habit is built it is very easy.
Again, start small.
When you start your day in the morning try writing down 3 things you’re grateful for. Doesn’t have to be profound. Some of mine have been; endless drinking water from my tap, an alarm clock that didn’t die during the night, not having to go to the gas station on the way to work, good tasting coffee, etc. Another simple method we like to do with company over is instead of our usual grace before supper we just say something we are grateful for before eating. Remember don’t over think. There are no bad answers. An easy way to build this into a habit is to mentally tie it to another habit. Right before you check you emails, right after your done reading and before you turn the lamp off at night, while your morning coffee is brewing, etc.
5. Language.
This one if huge and I notice this killing people every day. Be aware of your language! It becomes your reality. I’m going to use some examples.
Instead of: I get sick every Christmas.
Try: I have been sick many Christmases in the past but this Christmas I’m going to feel great no matter what.
Instead of: I can’t find that solution anywhere.
Try: I have not found that solution yet.
Instead of: This weekend I
to mow the lawn, make dinner and go to my kid’s ballet recital.
Try: This weekend I
choose to/will
mow the lawn, make dinner and go to my kid’s ballet recital.
Say yes to everything! Someone asks you if you can be the world champion in ping pong.
Instead of: No! I’m no good at that.
Try: Yes, but I choose to not dedicate that much time to ping pong. I would rather …
6. Dont Compare yourself to others.
This one is next to impossible not to do but a huge soul crusher. Whenever you are scrolling through social media and see everyone’s highlight reel, or see someone driving the car you want or playing a sport better, stop. Look inside at yourself a year ago, 2 years ago, 10 years ago.
Its pretty safe to say that you have improved yourself. I’m not driving a jaguar convertible but three years ago I had a 1993 Mazda and now I drive a 2010 Suzuki.
Might not sound impressive but to me it’s a step in the right direction. So that’s a win. That is a way to turn a fail into a win.
“I was bummed I had no shoes until I saw the man with no legs” Unknown.
Now pick at least one and practice putting the weight down and getting on the treadmill.
“It’s about how much you can take and keep moving forward! That’s how winning is done!” Rocky.
Now time for me to take a break. ;)