When you are looking at a house to purchase whether for an investment or otherwise there are a lot of things to figure out. Some things are complicated. At least figuring out the square footage is not.
He said, she said.
Here are the facts.
I operate primarily in Alberta and here you need to use the
Residential Measurement Standard. Or the RMS. That’s what everyone goes buy.
Its simple and clear.
Use it. Here it is.
RULE #1: Use the RMS! Real estate professionals must use the RMS.
RULE #2:
Choose imperial or metric and stick with one.
RULE #3:
Detached properties get measured on the outside of the foundation foot print.
RULE #4:
Dwellings with shared wall space gets measured up to the interior painted wall. The shared wall is just that. Shared.
RULE #5:
Only floors completely above grade count. Even if just by a little bit.
RULE #6:
Weather proofed and suitable for year round use? Count it! Extensions and additions. It needs to be attached, usable and room temperature.
RULE #7:
Extensions need to have minimum 5ft head room AND be at the same floor level.
RULE #8:
Must have a minimum of a 7ft height.
If the interior wall is sloped, you do not count any space less than 5ft ceiling.
RULE #9:
Don’t include floor where there is no floor.
Sometimes the upstairs could only be half built with an open staircase.
You can’t count open space.
There are some other requirements needed about methods to be submitted as a professional report, but this is a good way to determine floor size quick when looking at houses for the first time.
See you in the field.